Fermprobe® Sterilizable pH Elecrode
These electrodes are sealed, gel-filled, sterilizable, autoclavable designs with built-in temperature elements. This allows for the automatic compensation of Nernstian
temperature effects in processes with wide pH ranges and significant temperature shifts The
VarioPin connector allows for a multiple connection; both pH signal and temperature signal in the same wiring harness. The temperature element is either a PT100 or PT1000 Platinum Resistance Device, which are both compatible with the majority of commercially available instruments. The
unique construction methods used allow this electrode to operate under pressures of up to 10bar (150psig) and temperature up to 135°C.
- Integrated Temperature element for Nernstian temperature compensation
- Double-Junction Silver/Silver Chloride reference element for the ultimate in stability and resistance to contamination
- Specifically designed for multiple SIP, CIP, or Autoclave cycles. Withstands exposure to harsh CIP solutions
- Metric threaded cap is compatible with a wide range of bioprocess electrode housings
- Rugged, low-impedance pH bulb provides fast and precise pH measurements even after prolonged steam exposure